2.2.1 Remote services: lecture
Subject(s) Module 2. Data Fetching
2.3.1 Archives: lecture
Subject(s) Module 2. Data Fetching
2.4.1 Remote hosts: lecture
Subject(s) Module 2. Data Fetching
2.5.1 Filesystem: lecture
Subject(s) Module 2. Data Fetching
2.6.1 Version control systems: lecture
Subject(s) Module 2. Data Fetching
2.7.1 Compiled code: lecture
Subject(s) Module 2. Data Fetching
2.8.1 Graphical desktop system: lecture
Subject(s) Module 2. Data Fetching
2.9.1 System administration: lecture
Subject(s) Module 2. Data Fetching
3.2.1 Regular expressions and grep: lecture
Subject(s) Module 3. Selection
3.3.1 egrep and fgrep: lecture
Subject(s) Module 3. Selection
Unix Tools: Data, Software and Production Engineering by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/unix-tools-data-software-and-production-engineering/ /