In a series of lectures urban planners and other experts will explain on urban tasks and (recently) built urban plans for inner city interventions, for restructure and transformation locations of former harbour and industrial sites and for new locations. The focus will be on urban design methods, instruments and guidelines and on sustainable urbanism in general in order to gather knowledge on how to create future proof plans.

This course will focus on methods and skills for urban design, for which plan analysis of existing urban structures is an indispensable part. For sustainable urban design the accent in the lectures lie on the qualities of the urban design, being an important aspect with a view to sustainability. The second series, BK7250 Sustainable Urbanism, will focus on specific sustainable aspects as water, energy, urban agriculture and green, reuse of waste and sustainable mobility.

  • Has knowledge of urban design methods, instruments and guidelines.
  • Has knowledge of sustainable urbanism in general.
  • Has the ability to apply the knowledge of urban design methods, instruments and guidelines.
  • Has the ability to apply the knowledge of sustainable urbanism in general.
  • Has the ability to read and draw an urban map and associate profiles.
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Urban Drainage and Watermanagement by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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