01. Overview
Subject(s) 01. Overview
02. The Subsoil
Subject(s) 02. The Subsoil
03. Decision Making Process
Subject(s) 03. Decision Making Process
04. Safety and Risk Management
Subject(s) 04. Safety and Risk Management
05. Basics of Various Kind of Tunnels
Subject(s) 05. Tunnels
06. Multiple Use of Land, Layered Use of Land
Subject(s) 06. Multiple Use of Land
07. Special Constructions
Subject(s) 07. Special Constructions
08. Subsurface Planning
Subject(s) 08. Subsurface Planning
09. Legal Aspects
Subject(s) 09. Legal Aspects
10. Small Infrastructures, Trenchless Technologies
Subject(s) 10. Trenchless Technologies
Use of Underground Space by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/use-of-underground-space/.