Scientific research and design is traditionally made to be published in books or magazines by use of text and images. The arrival of digital media and internet changed this dramatically and allowed new possibilities and far better accessibility of this work. Be this as it may, it is still paramount that the accuracy and completeness of published scientific work is maintained.
This course will focus on this integrated concept, the learning of how to successfully make and publish your own website. In 6 lectures the several aspects of traditional scientific research will be treated by using the contemporary media. The course has the following study goals, that correspond with the given assignments and lectures:
1. publishing own study and design work;
2. making your work retrievable for others by use of key words;
3. making use of digital media to describe own work;
4. describing and evaluating of own work;
5. making a bibliography and iconography;
6. intrepretenting an image as a scientific document;
7. describing in key words;
8. compare images scientifically;
9. deducting design types from image comparison;
10. deducting design concepts from image comparison;
11. deducting design models from image comparison;
12. deducting design programs from image comparison;
13. integrating different design concepts and becoming acquainted with research methods;
14. defining an object of research, problem field, target field, design tools, own competence and
context of research;
15. formulating a site, context factors, motivation, design program, contribution, intended results
and planning;
16. justifying, referring and concluding of own work;
17. giving and receiving professional critique.

Ways to Study by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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