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Lecture - 1.1.6 Pre-treatment
Mechanical Pre-treatment The pre-treatment step is an important part of a biorefinery process as it liberates components that are trapped... -
Lecture - 1.2.2 The need for a biobased economy
Lecture - 1.2.3 Making biobased production sustainable
How to develop a sustainable biobased alternative for fossil feedstocks? In the video below, Patricia Osseweijer explores the use of biomass... -
Lecture - 2.2.3 Types of Catalysts
Previously you’ve learned about the principles of catalysis: what a catalyst does. Now you will learn about the classification of... -
Lecture - 2.2.2 Principles of Catalysis
Catalysts are very often used in industrial processes. Why is this the case? What exactly do they do? And what... -
Lecture - 2.3.3 Introduction to Protein engineering
Welcome and thank you for your interest in our section on protein engineering! In layman's terms, Protein Engineering is the... -
Lecture - 2.3.4 Diversity Generation
Diversity generation is the first step for the Directed Evolution of enzymes and other proteins. In this section, we will... -
Lecture - 3.2.2 Biobased feedstock as a source of energy
Manfred Kircher is a specialist in the topic of bioenergy. In this video, he explains how heat, power and fuel... -
Lecture - 3.5.1 Environmental impact assessment (LCA)
In the video below, you will learn about the necessary steps to perform the systematic environmental assessment of a process... -
Lecture - 3.5.2 Global social impacts
Taking social development at heart