Dr.ir Émile Jean Louis Chappin

Émile Chappin, currently an Assistant Professor at the Energy and Industry Group of the department Technology Policy and Management of Delft University of Technology, a senior research fellow at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Energy and Environment and a pianist. In my life science, computers, piano, composing, arrangements, poetry, percussion, improvisation, jazz and musicals play a big role.


My research focuses on energy systems using methods such as agent-based modelling, systems analysis and gaming.
See here for my latest articles. Here is an excerpt of recent publications:

Adaptation of interconnected infrastructures to climate change: A socio-technical systems perspective, published in Utilities Policy, together with Telli van der Lei.

Abstract: Because climate change effects may be severe, a next step is to study not only the effects on natural systems, but also the effects on built infrastructure systems and, in response to anticipated effects, the adaptation of those systems. The analysed papers predominantly focus on specific geographic areas, various types of impacts on and interdependencies of built socio-technical systems are recognized, not only for energy and transport, but also for water infrastructures.
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Modelling decisions on energy-efficient renovations: A review, published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, together with Jonas Friege.

Abstract: We performed a citation network analysis in order to identify papers at the research front and intellectual base on energy-efficient renovation in four areas: technical options, understanding decisions, incentive instruments, and models and simulation. The literature on energy-efficient renovation lacks a deep understanding of the uncertainties surrounding economic aspects and non-economic factors driving renovation decisions of homeowners. The analysis indicates that the (socio-economic) energy saving potential and profitability of energy-efficient renovation measures is lower than generally expected.

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