Dr. ir. Sape Miedema

Dr.ir. S.A. Miedema (November 8th 1955) obtained his M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering with honours at the Delft University of Technology (DUT) in 1983. He obtained his Ph.D. degree on research into the basics of soil cutting in relation with ship motions, in 1987. From 1987 to 1992 he was assistant professor at the chair of Dredging Technology. In 1992 and 1993 he was a member of the management board of Mechanical Engineering & Marine Technology of the DUT. In 1992 he became associate professor at the DUT with the chair of Dredging Technology. From 1996 to 2001 he was appointed educational director of Mechanical Engineering  and Marine Technology at the DUT, but still remaining associate professor of Dredging Engineering. In 2005 he was appointed educational director of the MSc program of Offshore Engineering and he is also still asscoiate professor of Dredging Engineering.

Dr.ir. S.A. Miedema teaches courses on soil mechanics and soil cutting, hopper sedimentation, mechatronics, applied thermodynamics, drive system design principles, mooring systems, hydromechanics and mathematics. His research focuses on the mathematical modeling of dredging systems like, cutter suction dredges, hopper dredges, clamshell dredges, backhoe dredges and trenchers.

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