Serge Paul Hoogendoorn


University/College of Higher Education:
Delft University of Technology; Faculty of Applied Mathematics
Date: January 1995
Main subject: Control System Engineering – Graduated “With Distinction”


University/College of Higher Education:
Delft University of Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Date: September 1999
Supervisor (‘Promotor’): Prof. Dr. Ir. Piet H.L. Bovy
Title of thesis: Multiclass Continuum Modelling of Multilane Traffic Flow – Graduated “With Distinction”

Work experience since graduating

September 2009 – now:
Chair Traffic Management Transport & Planning (fixed-term)

September 2007 – September 2009:
AvL Professor Traffic Flow Theory and Simulation (fixed-term)

September 2001 – September 2006:
Associate Professor Traffic Engineering Section (tenured-term)

September 1999 – August 2001:
Lecturer Traffic Engineering Section (fixed-term)

Hoogendoorn is a staff member of the TRAIL Research School on Transport and Logistics
Hoogendoorn also works (part-time) as a freelance consultant for different Dutch firms and agencies.
Hoogendoorn is chair of the Network Management foundation

Man-years of research
2 (Post-Doc Research)
4 (Dissertation research)
5 (NWO research, various third-party research projects, EC-funded projects)

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