Block 3: Contact Analysis part 1

Course subject(s) Block 3: Contact

This block introduces contact forces and discusses how they can be incorporated into the theory learnt up to this point. The theory is to be applied in another practical assignment and a homework assignment.

The lecturer gives some tips that could be useful during the homework assignment. The practical assignment can be found on this page and the homework assignment for this block can be found on this page.

After some questions are dealt with regarding the material covered in the previous lecture, this lecture introduces contact analysis into the problem. Two kinds of contact are dealt with in the lecture. Firstly, at 0:17:02 in the video, normal contact is introduced. Secondly, tangential contact is dealt with starting from 0:26:50. Several methods for solving the equations are explained at 0:31:13.

The gap function is introduced as a way to analyze whether or not two bodies are in contact with each other. An alternate version of the gap function for friction models (using Coulomb friction) is treated at 1:02:19 in the above video. The governing constitutive relations for both normal contact (1:04:34) and tangential contact (1:05:56) are treated, after which the lecture continues with the discretisation of the contact interface at 1:08:58. The lecturer then treats some benchmark problems, such as the Hertz contact problem, to see how contact analysis theory is applied (see 1:23:23 in the video).

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