Practical Assignment Block 1

Course subject(s) Block 1: Start up and Solution

Each of the four blocks of this course has its own pratical assignment to teach the student how to apply the knowledge gained during the lectures to an actual problem. The main aim of the assignments is not just to come to a final answer in the form of a number or graph but especially to provide food for thought to the student. By making clever decision and assumptions, which can be explained logically using the theory, a clever solution method is to be found in each of the assignments

The assignment belonging to block 1 provides an introduction to the Abaqus software (or the equivalent Code_Aster – SALOME combination mentioned in the software page). This is important knowledge to have because all other assignments require models to be made in Finite Element software.

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Non-Linear Structural Modeling by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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