Development of Educational Software

Course subject(s) Development of Educational Software Knowledge management and web lectures Pedagogical Agents and Affective Computing

Duration and associated literature

Hour 1: 39:20
Hour 2: 41:51
Charles van der Mast (1995) Developing Educational Software: Integrating disciplines and media, PhD thesis Delft University of Technology [available at] Chapter1, and section 2.1. and 2.2.7, and Chapter 3 and 4.

The main topic in this lecture is to observe and discuss the different methods of development of educational software in professional and multidisciplinary teams. First the life cycle of educational software is studied and its essential components. An overview of observed activities during develpment is given. As an intermezzo a rececent experience is given with improving the educational system at technical colleges in the Kolkata area (India) by introducing the development of educational software by teachers in small teams. Then, the three levels of modeling are given: macro – why; meso – what; micro – how. Finally roles and responsibilites in the team of developers are given.

Creative Commons License
Educational Software by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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