ePartner for Self-Management
Course subject(s)
ePartner for Self-Management
Duration and associated literature
Hour 1: 30:05
Hour 2: 26:37
O.A. Blanson Henkemans, W.A. Rogers, A.D. Fisk, M.A. Neerincx, J. Lindenberg, C.A.P.G. van der Mast, “Usability of an Adaptive Computer Assistant that Improves Self-Care and Health Literacy of Older Adults”, Methods of Information Medicine, vol. 47, Schattauer GmbH, 2008.
O.A. Blanson Henkemans (2009), ePartner for Self-Care: How to Enhance eHealth with Personal Computer Assistants, PhD Thesis Delft University of Technology. [repository.tudelft.nl]
The first lecture presents definitions and aims of self-management for a healthy lifestyle and chronic care. Examples of eHealth are given and discussed. A research project ePartner is surveyd. Experimental results and conclusions are given. In the second lectrure a new similar project ePartner for BeweegKuur is presented. In this project a web-based solution for patients with diabetes mellitus type II is developed. The development process is presented.

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