Block 2: Geometric Nonlinearity, Part III

Course subject(s) Block 2: Geometric Nonlinearity

The third Lecture of this block is a follow-up of the second lecture. Just like the second lecture it is not taken from a classroom. Instead, the course teacher provides an explanation of how to apply the theory from the first lecture of this block to solve specific problems. This is protrayed by writing down the steps that lead to such a solution on the sheets, accompanied by a verbal explanation of what is written down on the screen. The main focal point of the video is setting up the incremental equations, using the information from previous lectures.

After the incremental equations have been derived, they are subjected to discretisation starting from 0:25:07 in the above video. This results in a set of governing algebraic equations. First the linear term of the equations is derived, and starting from 0:44:01 the nonlinear term is treated. They are combined in a summary of the incremental equations at 0:50:27).
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Geometric nonlinearity, part 3

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Non-Linear Structural Modeling by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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