Labwork Electrical Power Drives
Course subject(s)
11. Labwork
The course Electrical Power Drives consists of two labwork experiments ;
- Induction machine
- Synchronous machines
These experiments are mandatory for all the students following the Electrical Power Drives course.
An additional preparation is required by the students beforew they can participate in the experiments. More information about these experiments can be found in the menu on the lefthand side.
Induction machines
Induction machines are sometimes called the workhorses of industry. They are cheap and robust and applied in a wide variety of applications. In this experiment the students will get familiar with the induction machines and their character.
The stuy goals are;
- Be able to determine the parameters of the equivalent circuit of an induction machine.
- Be able to measure a part of the torque-speed characteristic of an induction machine.
The following characteristics of an induction machine will be examined during the experiments:
- Resistance measurement of the induction machines
- No-load test of the induction machine
- Blocked-rotor test of the induction machine
- Torque-speed characteristic of the induction machine
Synchronous machines
Synchronous machines are mostly used as generators. They can be used in island operation, for example on board of a ship or an aircraft, or connected to the grid, for example in a power station or a combined heat and power unit. In this experiment, both will be tested and the students will get familair with characteristics of Sychronous machines.
The study goals are;
- Be able to synchronize a synchronous machine with the grid.
- Be able to realize different operating points of a synchronous generator with different loads.
The following characteristics of an Synchronous machines will be examined during the experiments;
- Connection of the synchronous machines.
- Connection of the asychronous machines.
- Island operation of a synchronous machine.
- Grid connection of a synchronous machines.

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