Lecture 7: Basin types, exploration and production
Course subject(s)
7. Basin types and their exploration and production
The final lecture focusses on basin types. Basins are typically areas filled with sedimentary rocks. Three classes of basins, categorised by the way they are created, are proposed. Firstly cratonic basins due to the stretching of continental crust, secondly subductive troughs caused by tectonic collisions and finally basins occurring from plates drifting apart. Two types of filling such a basin with sediment are moreover presented: postdepositional and syndepositional.
In the final part of the lecture, some case studies regarding oil and gas fields are elaborated on. These are: the Golden lane (Mexico), the Niger Delta, the Gabon basin, the gulf of Mexico, the North Sea and finally the Alaskan North slope.
The above recorded lecture covers the following topics:
- Basin types (In Petroleum Geoscience: paragraph 3.4 ‘Basin Types’)
- Case studies

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