Student presentations of this year [2010]
Course subject(s)
Student presentations of this year [2010]
Niels ter Heijden and Remco Janssen & Galateia Iatraki and Sacha Panic
In the first recording the requirements for the student assignments are given. In the six following recordings several groups of students are giving a presentation of their work.
The recordings are given without further descriptions here.
Recording 1: 4:10
1. Project presentation
Recording 2: 18:38
2. Tony, Teaches you to play the piano
Recording 3: 18:09
3. Structural brain connectivity explorer
Recording 4: 9:42
4. Jam! An educational game about equations
Recording 5: 15:58
5. Energy saving game
Recording 6: 10:55
6. ELOH, Elektronische Leeromgeving voor Hardware [in Dutch]
Recording 7: 20:21
7. Calculatoys, Educational math game for primary school

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