0.2.2. Course syllabus

Course structure

The course is organized in 5 modules. Each of them represents approximately between 4-5 hours of study time. A brief summary of each unit is presented below.

In the Welcome! section you’ll get to know the course structure.

Module 1 – Dip your toes in the water: What are the spatial, social and cultural dimensions of water systems?

This will you will discover the complexities of water culture in daily life. By identifying different water systems in your own environment, you will become aware that water is not only a basic need, but also a spatial network and a carrier of meaning, social values, and memories.

Module 2 – Water under the bridge: What is water culture?

Through exploring different historical water systems, we will assess how societies in the past and present have valued water. You will learn about the spatial imprint of historic water systems, their change over time and their relation to institutional and cultural practices.

Module 3 – Fish out of water: Who makes water systems?

In this module we will focus on recognizing which stakeholders and groups are important in the creation of water systems in the past and the present. You will learn how these stakeholders relate to each other and what shared or conflicting interests they have.

Module 4 – In troubled waters: What challenges are water systems facing?

In module 4, you will discover the challenges that water works are facing, as you identify dualities of water and culture, and differentiate between values, needs and interests in water systems. In addition, you learn to distinguish conflicts of values among different stakeholders, across different cultures and institutional levels in contemporary society.

Module 5 – Unchartered waters: How to address these challenges?

This module you will analyze sustainable solutions and strategies for water systems. You will be introduced to the UNESCO HUL method, as an integrated approach connecting global and local contexts. You will engage with water heritage in line with sustainable developments through examples that implement this approach.

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