4.0.1 Welcome to module 4 Towards climate neutral energy systems
Course subject(s)
4. Towards climate neutral energy systems
Last module we looked into important climate mitigation calculation methods such as emission reduction potentials, specific mitigation costs and marginal abatements cost curves. These insights are vital for assessing the performance of specific mitigation efforts. In this, the final module of the course, we will now look at the broader developments required for effective climate change mitigation. We will look into the specific role of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, as these are major options to achieve a climate neutral energy system. By the end of this module, you should have a good overview of the changes necessary for the energy system transition.
The content is split into five sections:
- What is energy efficiency
- The role of energy efficiency
- Low-carbon power systems
- Low-carbon fuel and heat production
- Sector coupling and energy system transition
We have prepared quizzes and exercises for each of these modules, as well as additional materials including open discussions about the presented topics and optional extra learning content.
Learning outcomes
After following this modules material, you should have an understanding of these main points:
- What energy efficiency is, how it can be calculated and the role it plays in the energy system
- The key sources of low-carbon energy and the respective role that these are expected to play in the energy transition
- An overview of the major options for low-carbon fuels
- The concept of sector coupling in the energy system
- The key components of the energy transition
We hope you enjoy the content!

Designing a Climate-Neutral World: An Introduction by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/designing-a-climate-neutral-world-an-introduction//