6.5.2 Brightspace email example

Course subject(s) 6. Teach your blended course

You can find examples of various emails to send before, during and at the end of the course here. Below is an example specific to Brightspace

Pre launch email template

Subject: {course name} Starts Soon!


We are excited that you are joining us for {course number} {course name}, offered by {organization name} through BrightSpace.

Class begins on {{day}}, {{date}} at {{time}} UTC (which is {{time}} {local time zone}).

In case you haven’t already found it, {course name} has its own official Facebook page {add link}. You can find videos and photos posted there before the course even begins.

Your {course name} course staff

Week 1 email template

Subject: {course name} Starts Today!


At this time, Brightspace course {course number} is available from your Dashboard {add link}, and the staff would like to officially welcome you to the course! You’ll find materials for the first week on the Courseware page, including both video lectures and problem sets.

Please take some time to go to the Course Info page to read the handouts and get familiar with course policies and philosophy.

I will be your course lead and I hope you will all have a great time learning {{subject}}! It may be challenging, it may be frustrating, but it will be rewarding and you will learn a ton.

On behalf of the staff, welcome, good luck, and have fun!

{{name}} and the {course name} staff

Creative Commons License
Blending your Education by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://digitelpro.eadtu.eu/course-programmes/blended-education/
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