Hydrogen Fuel: Production, Transport, and Storage

Course week(s) Week 1
Course subject(s) Introduction

Reference: Ram B. Gupta (2008), Hydrogen Fuel: Production, Transport and Storage. CRC Press, ISBN 142004575X.


Hydrogen Fuel: Production, Transport, and Storage describes various aspects of hydrogen fuel, including production from both renewable and nonrenewable sources, purification, storage, transport, safety, codes, and carbon dioxide sequestration. The book examines the unique properties and uses of the hydrogen molecule, its ability to be produced from numerous energy sources, and its separation and purification. It explains how to transport hydrogen using pipelines and tankers, and how to store it using compressed tanks, metal hydrides, carbon adsorbents, and chemical hydrides. The expert contributors also discuss codes and standards, monitoring techniques, and safety designs.

Image cc by Ram B. Gupta

Section I:  Production and Use of Hydrogen

  • Fundamentals and Use of Hydrogen as a Fuel
  • Production of Hydrogen from Hydrocarbons
  • Hydrogen Production from Coal
  • Hydrogen Production from Nuclear Energy
  • Hydrogen Production from Wind Energy
  • Sustainable Hydrogen Production by Thermochemical Biomass Processing
  • Use of Solar Energy to Produce Hydrogen
  • Hydrogen Separation and Purification


Section II: Transportation and Storage of Hydrogen

  • Targets for Onboard Hydrogen Storage Systems:An Aid for the Development of Viable Onboard Hydrogen Storage Technologies
  • Hydrogen Transmission in Pipelines and Storage in Pressurized and Cryogenic Tanks
  • Hydrogen Storage in Metal Hydrides
  • Hydrogen Storage in Carbon Materials
  • Hydrogen Storage in Organic Chemical Hydrides on the Basis of Superheated Liquid-Film Concept


Section III: Safety and Environmental Aspects of Hydrogen

  • Hydrogen Codes and Standards
  • Hydrogen Sensing and Detection
  • Hydrogen Safety
  • Carbon Sequestration

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Sustainable Hydrogen and Electrical Energy Storage by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/sustainable-hydrogen-electrical-energy-storage/.
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