Websites 2006-2007
Course subject(s)
websites 2006-2007
Mooring Systems for Semi Submersibles
Which aspects are important for the design of a mooring system for semi submersibles, which not? What are the main parts of such a mooring system?

Mooring Systems for Semi Submersibles
On this website you will find a methodology of designing a mooring system for a semi-submersible. Detailed information on mooring systems, mooring designs and mooring materials can be found. This website also displays semi-submersibles, where they are used for and how the semi-sub works.

Mooring Systems for SPAR’s
This website presents a philosophy; our view on how mooring systems for Spar platforms should be designed. Although it is designed to derive a Spar platform anchor system, it can also be applied for other anchored structures. The purpose of this site is to provide a guide-line for designers or design teams. This site does not go in to much detail; it does not give theoretical background on subjects as the determination of the anchor-line thickness or the dimensions of the anchors.

Mooring Systems for FPSO’s
There are several ways to design an offshore mooring for an FPSO. On this site a mooring is designed for an FPSO. The design steps that are taken in this example are explained on this site step by step.

Mooring Systems for SPAR’s
The SPAR is a deepwater drilling and production platform. Spar technology has been used to support manned and unmanned operations in offshore environments for over thirty years. The SPAR platform uses ‘‘dry-tree’’ technology, where the wellhead equipment is principally located on the platform rather than on the seabed, reducing the cost and time involved in common maintenance work.

Mooring Systems for FPSO’s
The website provides an easy and quick overview of possible mooring systems for your FPSO. There are numerous systems available and a description of most of these can be found on this website. The selection page is a tool which tells you in just a few steps, what is a suitable solution to moor your FPSO. On the forces page you can gain insight into the forces which need to be compensated by the mooring system of a vessel.

Suction Anchors
This website intends to inform interested visitors of the applications and design of suction anchors. It also contains a calculator to determine the rough dimensions of a suction anchor for a specified soil type and required holding capacity.

Offloading Mooring Configurations
This page gives a overview of the different offloading mooring configurations for the transportation of oil and gas. Not only the current methods are presented but the future design are also given.

Deep Water Mooring Material
The main goal of DWM2 – Deep Water Mooring Material – is to provide a general insight in the selection of the material for deep water mooring lines. Deep water mooring lines are used in the offshore industries to hold floating constructions to a fixed position. DMW2 has made optimizations tools for a wide range of possible materials for mooring lines. Herby we can make a selection for the optimal material used for a mooring line, based on both strength and cost efficiency. On this website an overview is given of the different material options for offshore mooring lines (steel and synthetics). These materials are used to calculate the optimal material for deep water moorings (applications and program).

Offshore Moorings by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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