2.6 Index and match
Subject(s) 2. Lookup and search
3.1 No formulas
Subject(s) 3. Pivot tables and Powermap
3.2 The basics
Subject(s) 3. Pivot tables and Powermap
3.3 More Rows & Value Field Settings
Subject(s) 3. Pivot tables and Powermap
3.4 Adding Columns to the Mix
Subject(s) 3. Pivot tables and Powermap
3.5 Multiple Tables
Subject(s) 3. Pivot tables and Powermap
3.6 Secretly PowerPivot
Subject(s) 3. Pivot tables and Powermap
3.7 PowerMap
Subject(s) 3. Pivot tables and Powermap
4.1 Introduction
Subject(s) 4. Structure and Named Ranges
4.2 Name Manager
Subject(s) 4. Structure and Named Ranges
Data Analysis: Take it to the Max by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/data-analysis-take-it-to-the-max/.