4.3 Data Tables
Subject(s) 4. Structure and Named Ranges
4.4 Intersection
Subject(s) 4. Structure and Named Ranges
4.5 The basmati effect
Subject(s) 4. Structure and Named Ranges
5.0 Theory
Subject(s) 5. Array Formulas and Structure
5.1 Array Basics
Subject(s) 5. Array Formulas and Structure
5.2 Transpose
Subject(s) 5. Array Formulas and Structure
5.3 Filter
Subject(s) 5. Array Formulas and Structure
6.1 Problems with Spreadsheets
Subject(s) 6. Testing
6.2 Can we fix it?
Subject(s) 6. Testing
6.3 What to test
Subject(s) 6. Testing
Data Analysis: Take it to the Max by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/data-analysis-take-it-to-the-max/.