3.2 Conditional formatting
Subject(s) Module 3. Visualizing Trends
3.3 Spark lines
Subject(s) Module 3. Visualizing Trends
3.4 Trend plotting
Subject(s) Module 3. Visualizing Trends
4.1 Introduction: Goal seek and solver
Subject(s) Module 4. Goal Seek and Solver
4.2 Goal seek
Subject(s) Module 4. Goal Seek and Solver
4.3 Profit
Subject(s) Module 4. Goal Seek and Solver
4.4 Data Table
Subject(s) Module 4. Goal Seek and Solver
4.5 Solver
Subject(s) Module 4. Goal Seek and Solver
5.1 Introduction Data Analysis
Subject(s) Module 5. Designing table & graphs for effective communication of data
5.2 Show me the numbers
Subject(s) Module 5. Designing table & graphs for effective communication of data
Data Analysis: Visualization and Dashboard Design by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/data-analysis-visualization-dashboard-design/.