5.3 Table Design: Structural Design
Subject(s) Module 5. Designing table & graphs for effective communication of data
5.4 Table design: Best Practices
Subject(s) Module 5. Designing table & graphs for effective communication of data
5.5 Grahp design: graph types
Subject(s) Module 5. Designing table & graphs for effective communication of data
5.6 Graph Design: Best Practise
Subject(s) Module 5. Designing table & graphs for effective communication of data
6.1 Dashboard Design
Subject(s) Module 6: Dashboard design
6.10 bonus: slider
Subject(s) Module 6: Dashboard design
6.11 Bonus: automatic refresh
Subject(s) Module 6: Dashboard design
6.2 Dashboard Overview
Subject(s) Module 6: Dashboard design
6.3 Bar Chart
Subject(s) Module 6: Dashboard design
6.4 Column Chart
Subject(s) Module 6: Dashboard design
Data Analysis: Visualization and Dashboard Design by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/data-analysis-visualization-dashboard-design/.