4a Introduction: Defining your Design Challenge
Subject(s) Understanding the context of use 4. Defining your Design Challenge
4b Defining a problem definition
Subject(s) 4. Defining your Design Challenge
4c Defining your design challenge
Subject(s) 4. Defining your Design Challenge
5a Introduction: Generating Ideas
Subject(s) 5 Generating Ideas
5b Generating ideas in design
Subject(s) 5 Generating Ideas
5c How? Creating ideas by analogy
Subject(s) 5 Generating Ideas
5d How? Creating ideas with SCAMPER
Subject(s) 5 Generating Ideas
6a Introduction to Developing and Evaluating concepts
Subject(s) 6. Developing and Evaluating concepts
6b Creating a list of requirements
Subject(s) 6. Developing and Evaluating concepts
6c Developing concepts
Subject(s) 6. Developing and Evaluating concepts
Delft Design Approach by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/delft-design-approach/.