The course focuses on 3 main dredging processes: the cutting of sand, clay and rock; the sedimentation process in hopper dredges; the breaching process.
- Understand and reproduce the Mohr circle;
- Understand and reproduce the theory of passive and active soil failure;
- Understanding the soil mechanical parameters important for cutting processes;
- Understanding and make calculations regarding the 2-D cutting theory in water-saturated sand;
- Understanding and make calculations regarding the 2-D theory in clay;
- Understanding and reproduce the settling of grains in water;
- Understanding and reproduce the loading cycle of a hopper dredge; Being able to determine the loading cycle of a hopper dredge, base on the modified Camp model by Miedema and Vlasblom;
- Understanding and reproduce the basic cutting theory of rock cutting;
- Understanding and reproduce the breaching process..
- Introduction-part 1
- Introduction-part 2 & Soil mechanics
- Cutting intro-part 1
- Cutting intro-part 2 & Sand cutting-part 1
- Sand cutting-part 2
- Sand cutting-part 3 & Clay cutting-part 1
- Clay cutting-part 2
- Rock Cutting
- Erosion-part 1
- Erosion-part 2
- Hopper sedimentation-part 1
- Hopper sedimentation-part 2

Dredging Processes by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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