6.1 How designers think
Subject(s) Module 6. Building for a new public health
6.10 Reflection
Subject(s) Module 6. Building for a new public health
6.11 Epilogue: Hans & Kaku
Subject(s) Module 6. Building for a new public health
6.2 Designing for older people
Subject(s) Module 6. Building for a new public health
6.3 The urban heat island and the climate proof city
Subject(s) Module 6. Building for a new public health
6.4 Housing & health
Subject(s) Module 6. Building for a new public health
6.5 People environment interaction
Subject(s) Module 6. Building for a new public health
6.6 Greying cities
Subject(s) Module 6. Building for a new public health
6.7 Sick individuals to sick populations
Subject(s) Module 6. Building for a new public health
6.8 Long term care & nursing homes
Subject(s) Module 6. Building for a new public health
Healthy ageing in 6 steps - Let the environment do the work by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/healthy-aging-6-steps/.