3.4 A PDO black box model: experiments for parameter identification
Subject(s) Module 3: The black box model and process reaction
3.5 Black box models: The PDO process reaction as function of mu
Subject(s) Module 3: The black box model and process reaction
3.6 PDO continuous process design: calculation of inputs and outputs using the process reaction
Subject(s) Module 3: The black box model and process reaction
3.7 Aerobic PDO process: improving sustainability
Subject(s) Module 3: The black box model and process reaction
4.1 Introduction to fermentation technology
Subject(s) Module 4: Fermentation Design
4.2 The large-scale fermenter
Subject(s) Module 4: Fermentation Design
4.3 Fermenter operation
Subject(s) Module 4: Fermentation Design
4.4 Gas transport
Subject(s) Module 4: Fermentation Design
4.5 Heat transport
Subject(s) Module 4: Fermentation Design
4.6 Mixing
Subject(s) Module 4: Fermentation Design
Industrial Biotechnology by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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