2.1.4 The augmented matrix
Subject(s) Module 2. Systems of linear equations
2.1.5 Linear systems from a geometric viewpoint
Subject(s) Module 2. Systems of linear equations
2.2.1 The reduced echelon
Subject(s) Module 2. Systems of linear equations
2.2.2 The number of solutions of a linear system
Subject(s) Module 2. Systems of linear equations
2.2.3 (In)homogeneous linear systems
Subject(s) Module 2. Systems of linear equations
2.2.4 Common errors
Subject(s) Module 2. Systems of linear equations
2.2.5 Example with a parameter
Subject(s) Module 2. Systems of linear equations
3.1.2 Linear combinations – introduction
Subject(s) Module 3. Linear combinations and linear independence
3.1.3 Linear combinations – example
Subject(s) Module 3. Linear combinations and linear independence
3.1.4 Linear span – Introduction
Subject(s) Module 3. Linear combinations and linear independence
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