Estimator Precision and Confidence Interval (1)
Subject(s) 5. How precise is the estimate?
Estimator Precision and Confidence Interval (2)
Subject(s) 5. How precise is the estimate?
Estimator Properties
Subject(s) 4. Best Linear Unbiased Estimation (BLUE)
Geometry of least squares
Subject(s) 3. Least Squares Estimation (LSE)
Geometry of least squares – example
Subject(s) 3. Least Squares Estimation (LSE)
Introduction video: measuring the canal width
Subject(s) 1. Introduction to Observation Theory
Introduction video: sea level rise
Subject(s) 2. Mathematical model
Least Squares: Analytical solution
Subject(s) 3. Least Squares Estimation (LSE)
Mat 1.1 What is MATLAB?
Subject(s) MATLAB Learning Content
Mat 1.2 MATLAB Online
Subject(s) MATLAB Learning Content
Observation Theory: Estimating the Unknown by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/observation-theory-estimating-unknown.