The course Urban Drainage and Watermanagement consists of 6 subjects with multiple subparts.

  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction urban water systems and design assignment
    2. Urban drainage in lowland areas
    3. Requirements for wastewater and stormwater drainage
  2. Flow, data and design
    1. Quantification of wastewater flow, design of wastewater sewers
    2. Urban rainfall data and resolution
    3. Quantification of urban stormwater flow – rational method
    4. Urban stormwater flow – IDF and design storms
    5. Hydraulic design of urban drainage systems
  3. Flooding and pressurized systems
    1. Urban flooding and flood damage estimation
    2. Pressurized systems and pumping stations
  4. Workshop
    1. Sobek workshop
  5. Asset management
    1. Asset management: rehabilitation decisions
    2. Asset management: sewer conditions – sewer inspections
  6. Design
    1. Design storms and hydrological models for urban drainage systems
    2. Design assignment: questions and recommendations
Creative Commons License
Urban Drainage and Watermanagement by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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