In this video, Martina Gentili from the Delft University of Technology discusses the policy agenda that can emerge as the outcome of the co-creation, and how it can be implemented. Moreover, she highlights the added value of co-creation processes for policy making.

Have a look here for some practical input and tips to reflect and implement this final phase in your own context.

If you want more details about this phase of the co-creation, you can check out Chapter 8 and 9 of our Guidebook to Reflexive Policy Making.

If you want to know more about the co-creation process in Amsterdam, you can read their Reflexive Policy Agenda.

If you want to learn more about our recommendations for a successful policy co-creation process, you can read Chapter 10 of our Guidebook to Reflexive Policy Making and our Policy Brief on How to build a Reflexive Policy Making Process with Young People.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 870898

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