4.2.3 Waste separation at companies, a pratical approach
Subject(s) Module 4. Collection systems
4.3.1 Services of collectors
Subject(s) Module 4. Collection systems
4.3.2 Interview Recupel/Bebat
Subject(s) Module 4. Collection systems
4.4.1 Reverse logistics
Subject(s) Module 4. Collection systems
4.4.2 Redistribution
Subject(s) Module 4. Collection systems
4.5.1 Milgro: helping companies with waste collection
Subject(s) Module 4. Collection systems
4.5.2 Municipals successful in waste separation
Subject(s) Module 4. Collection systems
5.1.1 Summary and feedback on Module 4
Subject(s) Module 5. Resource efficiency by product design, production and substitution of materials
5.1.2 Introduction to product design
Subject(s) Module 5. Resource efficiency by product design, production and substitution of materials
5.2.1 Product design in relation to recycling
Subject(s) Module 5. Resource efficiency by product design, production and substitution of materials
Waste Management and Critical Raw Materials by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/waste-management-and-critical-raw-materials/.