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Lecture - 2.5.4 Worked example 2.4
In this worked example we will take a look at the Lorentz force in a cyclotron, and how the cyclotron... -
Lecture - 2.5.2 Spark 2.4
In this video, Tristan will demonstrate how magnetic fields work and shows how to make your own compass. PreviousNext -
Lecture - 5.3.1 Neighbourhood and public space design: Analysis
In the video below urban and social designer Oukje van Merle presents multiple urban analysis methods on the scale level... -
Lecture - 5.2.1 Basic concepts of neighbourhood and public space design
Watch urban designers MaartenJan Hoekstra and Maurice Harteveld introducing the interrelationships between urban design and inequality on the scale level... -
Lecture - 4.6.1 Façades and Ventilation: Air, Acoustical and Thermal Quality, Energy
This lecture is about a very important function of a buildings' façade, which is ventilation. You will learn how to... -
Lecture - 4.4.1 Ventilation systems: ‘Clean’ components
In this video, Philomena Bluyssen will explain how a ventilation system delivers clean air. You will learn how to ensure that... -
Lecture - 4.3.1 How to design a healthy, comfortable and energy-efficient ventilation system?
In this second lecture you will learn how to design a healthy, comfortable and energy efficient ventilation system by using... -
Lecture - 3.7.1 Control strategies
In this lecture, you will learn which strategies are available to control the exposure to indoor air pollutants. PreviousNext -
Lecture - 3.3.1 Parameters of indoor air
In this module's second lecture, Philomena will teach you about the different parameters of indoor air. She will touch upon... -
Lecture - 2.7.1 Fanger’s Comfort Model PMV and PPD
In this lecture you will learn how all comfort parameters come together in a heat balance to form Fanger’s comfort...