Prof. dr. Michel van Eeten
Michel van Eeten’s chair focuses on the Governance of Cybersecurity. He studies the interplay between technological design and economic incentives in Internet security. His team analyses large-scale Internet measurement and incident data to identify how the markets for Internet services deal with security risks.
Boris Eisenbart
Boris Eisenbart is Assistant Professor of Design Theory and Methodology in the Product Innovation Management Department at the Delft University... -
Dr. D. Elkouss
David Elkouss is an assistant professor at QuTech. Elkouss received a double masters degree in electrical engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and Telecom ParisTech in 2005-2006 and a Ph.D. in computer science in 2011-2012 from UPM. His PhD thesis in classical error correcting codes for the postprocessing of quantum key distribution was awarded the UPM extraordinary dissertation prize.
Amira Elnouty
Amira Elnouty is a lecturer in the Computer Science & Engineering Teaching Team at Delft University of Technology. Her background is in computer vision and machine learning. Her work focuses on including gamification and critical thinking in computer science education.
Dr.ir. Bert Enserink
Bert Enserink is associate professor in policy analysis and currently the director of education of the international and interdisciplinary master program on Engineering and Policy Analysis at TPM.
Dr.ir. Maurits Ertsen
Maurits Ertsen teaches Civil Engineering in Developing Countries (CIE5560), Water Management Research (CTB3415) and Water Systems, People and Society (CIE4410) and coordinates the Honours Programme of CEG.
Marjolein van Esch
Marjolein van Esch finished her PhD on urban microclimates in 2015 and currently works for the chair of Environmental Technology... -
Ing. Bert Everts
Ing. Bert Everts is a part time lecturer at the TU Delft and senior consultant geotechnical engineering at ABT. His courses focus on foundations technologies and deep excavations. Everts is also the coordinator for the Geo Engineering Bachelor Thesis.