2.2.1 Introduction Strategies in networks

Course subject(s) Module 2. Strategies in Networks

What strategies are there for dealing with the risks of the process approach?

Generally, command and control does not work in a complex environment. However, it can work under specific conditions. We refer to this as smart command and control. An actor who is able to deploy smart command and control can accelerate decision-making (versus risk 1) or prevent essentially undesirable results (versus risk 2).

Smart command and control is also a mixture of the project and process mindset. Through smart command and control, we integrate both mindsets.

This module, we will go in search of smart command and control strategies.

From now on, we will look at a case study each time. For each one:

  • we will start by characterizing the situation
  • this will be followed by a brief video in which two actors act out a situation
  • each time, the question for you will be: which smart command and control strategy is being applied here?
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Influencing Stakeholders: Dealing with Power and Dynamics in Teams and Networks by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/influencing-stakeholders-dealing-with-power-and-dynamics-in-teams-and-networks/.
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