1.1.1 Welcome to module 1 Welcome in a complex world
Subject(s) Module 1. Welcome in a complex world
2.1.1 Welcome to strategies in networks
Subject(s) Module 2. Strategies in Networks
2.2.1 Introduction Strategies in networks
Subject(s) Module 2. Strategies in Networks
3.1.1 Welcome to trust in networks
Subject(s) Module 3. Trust in Networks
3.1.3 Case study: R&D department
Subject(s) Module 3. Trust in Networks
3.1.4 What lies behind this?
Subject(s) Module 3. Trust in Networks
3.2.1 Introduction to rules of the game
Subject(s) Module 3. Trust in Networks
3.3.1 Cultural dimensions
Subject(s) Module 3. Trust in Networks
5.1.2 Introduction Concepts and boundaries
Subject(s) Module 5. Engineers as Team Leaders
5.1.3 Chapter structure
Subject(s) Module 5. Engineers as Team Leaders
Influencing Stakeholders: Dealing with Power and Dynamics in Teams and Networks by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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