Case 2013

Case 2013


The assignments for the ‘Social City Delft’ Project, from february till may, 2013 are conducted for ‘ Het Rode Dorp (HRD)’ in Delft. HRD is a multi-cultural community in Delft with 360 households, 1000 inhabitants, high unemploymentrate of 40%. HRD forms part of ‘De Buitenhof’in Delft.
The assignments concern the development of so called: “Community Integrated Streetfurniture Systems” run, maintained and promoted by the inhabitants themselves.

During the project Q research for the measurement of perception of the neighbourhood as is, and perception of the impact of the designs on neighbourhood-cohesion is conducted.

The Studio for the assignment is located at the CLD School at the Rode Dorp.

Kick Off at the CLD in Het Rode Dorp

The Social Cohesion Design Kick-Off was attended by students from IO Tu Delft (WO), Management studies Haagse Hogeschool (HBO), Lifestyle from Mondriaan (MBO), Human Technology from Zadkine (MO) and VMBO students from CLD and Stanislas (VMBO). The project was a multi disciplinairy project with students from the whole education column represented. 14 companies were present as providers for the assignments. The municipality from Delft was represented by the ‘wethouder’ Lucas Vokurka and representatives from the community coordination team. After the lectures given by projectorganiser Clemens de Lange from the Social Cohesion Design Foundation Delft, Henk Kuipers  coordinator from the bachelor department of IO, and Lucas Vorkurka from the municipality of Delft the group went outside for a walk to the central plaza of the Rode Dorp to have a brief lecture about the plans for streetfurniture realisation in het Rode Dorp in the period 2013-2016.

Wise Owl Award 2013

De “Wijze Uil Award” werd dit jaar al weer voor de 4e keer gehouden. Dit maal in de Van der Grintenzaal op de faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen. Sprekers waren: dekaan Ena Voute, Wethouder van wijken Raymond de Prez en projectcoordinator Clemens de Lange. De jury bestond uit een bewoners-jury samengesteld uit bewoners van Het Rode Dorp olv Harmen van der Laan en een expert jury bestaande uit een design-expert van de faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen: Henk Kuipers, een project ontwikkelings-expert van de gemeente Delft: Wilke Ruiter, en en event promotie/organisatie-expert: Herman Wijers. De jury koos unaniem voor het lampontwerp van de groep Vonk die deze opdracht uitvoerde voor het bedrijf Maiken.

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