Grading Criteria for Project Plan

Course subject(s) 8. Exercises Research Methodologies

Criterion Missing

(0 points)

Needs Work

(1 point)


(2 points)


(3 points)

Formulation of project goal/objective Project objective is missing The project objective is too vague and too open for interpretation The project objective is clear but could have more details in terms of usefulness, feasibility and clarity A detailed project objective is given in terms of usefulness, feasibility and clarity
Literature Review No literature review present Literature review only touches upon relevance of research and/or does not or hardly relates back to research goal/objective Literature review positions relevance of proposed research with limited elaboration or motivation


The literature review clearly positions the relevance of the proposed research and relates it back to the research goal/objective
Formulation of Research Question(s) Research questions are missing The research questions are improperly formulated or only a main question has been formulated. Research questions have been formulated but miss some of the SMART criteria The research questions have been formulated using the SMART principle
Theory/Methodology No methods selected Research methods selected but no or limited argumentation as to why Research methods are introduced with limited link to proposed research Appropriate research methods are selected and/or new methods introduced, well connected to proposed research
Experimental Set up No set up presented An experimental set up is presented with no clear link to research question. Experimental set up is unclear. An experimental research setup is presented with links to research question. More detailed would have been desirable A detailed experimental set up is presented with clear links to research questions
Results/Outcome/Relevance Results/Outcome/Relevance is missing A very vague prediction of results and outcome of project is given. Relevance is missing A prediction of results and outcomes of proposed project is given. Relevance is described. Could have done with more detail A clear, logical prediction of the results and outcomes of the proposed project is given. Relevance is described in detail.
Planning No planning is given Only a very schematic planning is given without motivation and/or planning is unrealistic. A detailed motivated planning without interlinking activities is given with no iterations and/or planning is reasonably realistic A detailed well-motivated planning with good interlinking of activities is presented with iterations. And/or planning seems realistic.
Conclusions Conclusions are missing Conclusions do not reflect the aspects from the project plan presented. Conclusions critically reflect on the project plan presented but more detail could have been used. Detailed conclusions reflecting on all aspects of the project plan are presented.
References No references given Mostly non-scholarly sources used and/or referencing style of poor scholarly quality Some use of high quality resources and/or some referencing style errors Use of high quality sources (peer reviewed articles, empirical studies, recognized textbooks) and referencing style of good academic quality
General Readability N/A Poor flow of document, many errors in grammar and or spelling Reasonable flow, some errors in spelling and or grammar Smooth flow with effective transitions, spelling and grammar errors free
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Research Methodologies by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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