Sobek Workshop
Course subject(s)
4. Workshop
Free Sobek trial
Below you can find the link to the website of Deltares to donwload a free trail of the Sobek program.
– Download free Sobek trial version from Deltares website (Sobek Suite, 2.13.002) :
Setting up a model in Sobek
A background map of Delft is provided in the file below. This map can be used as background to set up your model in Sobek. The file needs to be unzipped and copied to the Sobek-directory (or in the Sobek\..lit directory, you will be picking the map from the directory you copied it to). In the Netter view (which you open through Schematization), you can click “Map” in the legend. A map properties window will open where you can select “Add layer”. Here you can pick the background map from the directory you copied it to (make sure you change “File type” to Image). When you zoom in on the map to your design area, the map is a bit too coarse for the details.
If you want to create a more detailed map, you can do this in ArcGIS: In ArcGIS 10 the coordinate system in Data Frame Properties should be set to “RD_New”. If you add a basemap to ArcGIS, it will ask for a transformation: use GCS_WGS_84. Zoom to your area, then choose “export .jpg” including “world file”. Thus, a .jpg and a .jgw file is created that you can use in Sobek (following the steps above)
Sobek Tutorial
The students had a workshop from 8:45 – 17:00 h to train their skills with the Sobek programm. For this assignment a report had to be delivered summarising their main findings and conclusions with a maximum of 4 – 5 pages.
Rainfall events for future climate
For those of you who would like to run extra rain events, you can download them here. The STNBUI 8, 9 and 10 are given an extra 10 % of volume per timestep.
Download the file for the return period you chose for your design. After downloading, ‘unzip’ the folder and copy all individual files (eight in total) to the following Sobek folder: C:\Sobek212\Fixed. If done correctly, you should be able to pick the rainfall event Climate_STNBUI (8, 9 or 10) from the list at the precipitation selection window.
Stationary rainfall events
Here you can download the stationary rainfall events for your Sobek assignment. Download the file for the return period you chose for your design. After downloading, ‘unzip’ the folder and copy all individual files (eight in total) to the following Sobek folder: C:\Sobek212\Fixed. If done correctly, you should be able to pick the rainfall event CUSTOMSTAT_ (T2, T5 or T10) from the list at the precipitation selection window.

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