14. Agricultural use of treated effluents
Course subject(s)
14. Agriculture use of treated effluents
Prof. dr. ir. J. B. van Lier explains the background, benefits and constraints of using wastewater as source for irrigation. The theory is elucidated with various examples.
Agricultural use of treated effluentes (in developing countries)
- Some facts on water reuse
- Benefits & constraints
- Impact on crop cultivation: OM & SS
- Impact on crop cultivation: salinity
- Impact on crop cultivation: salinity
- Impact on crop cultivation: macro-nutrients
- Impact on crop cultivation: trace elements
- Impact on crop cultivation: pathogens
- Impact on crop cultivation: effluent flow rate
- Impact on crop cultivation: disinfection by products
- Identifying key technologies
- Key pollutants for removal in reuse scheme
- Treatment options

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