2.2 Trip Distribution
Course subject(s)
2. Demand modelling
Pre-lecture activity
Please read sections 5.1 up to 5.3 from the book. Main goal is that you’re aware of the main concepts we’ll be discussing in class. This should make it easier for you to understand alternative methods and practical issues that will be discussed and to compare the alternative methods with the approaches discussed in the book.
This spreadsheet shows how a doubly constrained trip distribution model works. At the bottom you can see what the final values for Qi and Xj are, and how you can compute an OD-matrix using these values.
Secondly, you can use this spreadsheet to apply Hyman’s method to determine the deterrence function. The table on the right shows the iteration process for MTL=10. Give it a try to determine alpha for MTL=8 or MTL=12 (if you do it correctly it will result in 0.127922 or 0.003374).
Post-Lecture activities
Read Chapter 5 of the book. Note that not all sections are equally important (see Study guide).
After studying the lecture slides and these sections of the book, you should be able to answer the questions about Trip Distribution in the post-lecture exercises of Demand Modelling. The answers can be downloaded from the same page.

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