Data Analysis

Course subject(s) 3. Data Analysis

Watch the lecture on data analysis. The different types of data and variables will be discussed, as will how to analyse the data and assess the quality of the data.

Data Analysis

Watch the presentation on using SPSS to analyse data. This presentation introduces SPSS, its user interface and the basic functions of the program. This is achieved by making use of sample data and working through an example. SPSS can be downloaded from blackboard. See My Student Info –> Student Resources.

Data Analysis Using SPSS

Presentation slides and associated files

First the statistical analysis examples, the codebook (Excel file), then the questionnaire as given to the students and finally the accompanying SPSS datafile.

Questionnaire AE4010

Code book questionnaire lecture

Lecture 1 questionnaire

Analyzing data using SPSS

Readings & Assignments

As part of this lecture you’ll need to finish the Library Course. You will also need to start to draft your project plan (sections 1-3), making use of the templates provided. Write the sections making use of the information as presented thus far in the course. Also start on your literature search in preparation of the review paper, use the information obtained during the information literacy course and your acquired topic.

Find a peer-review partner by posting a message on the discussion board or through your own network.

Click here to access the Peer-Review Discussion

The students will also need to read chapter 8. Sections 8.1, 8.2, and 8.4 are required reading, section 8.3 is optional reading.

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Research Methodologies by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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