Imperfect Discrete Structure with Unstable Postcritical Behaviour
Course week(s)
Week 2
Course subject(s)
Discrete Structures
This is an applied example which clarifies the theory explained in section 2.1 of this chapter. As compared to section 2.2, this time the structure has an unstable posticritical equilibrium path. The effects of imperfections for this type of structure is shown, and the concept of collapse load is introduced.
Imperfect discrete structure with unstable postcritical equilibrium
- Problem Definition
- Step 1: Potential Energy Function
- Step 2: Equilibrium
- Step 3: Stability of Equilibrium
- Step 4: Stability of Critical Points
- Potential Energy Plot
- Imperfect Colomn:
- Step 1: Potential Energy Funtion
- Step 2: Equilibrium
- Step 3: Stability of Equilibrium
- Step 4: Stability of Critical Points

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