Library Course Introduction

Course subject(s) 1. Research Foundation

On this page the information about the library course can be found. The Information Literacy lectures teach the students how they can find legitimate sources for their papers and theses.

The lecture introduces the course and gives a brief overview of the topics which are to be covered by the Information Literacy 3 course and gives some examples of how to start with your own information literacy. Following the Information Literacy 3 course is an important part of the course and it will be apparent in the assignments as well as your final thesis if you have not completed the course.

The Lecture Slides

Start working on the library course. To do so please enroll in the ‘Information Literacy 3’ course on BrightSpace and start going through the material. Please note that it is assumed that you have completed the online Information Literacy 3 course, which will be apparent from the quality of your work. You can find the course through this link or by searching for ‘Information Literacy 3‘ in the Course Catalogue at the top of the screen in Brightspace.

Start Acquiring a Topic

The method of obtaining your topic varies per department and can take some time. Please do not wait until the last moment to start searching for a topic. You can write about another topic, however, completing this course with your master thesis topic in mind will greatly help you with your thesis.

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Research Methodologies by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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