3.7.2 The calibration score of the DM (1)
Course subject(s)
Module 3. Performance-based weights and the Decision Maker
Let’s go back to our Dutch eating habits example. The calibration questions were the following
1) What percentage of Dutch adults eats fruit on a daily basis?
2) What percentage of Dutch adults eats fast food less than once a month?
3) Consider the caloric consumption of Dutch adults ten years ago. What is the caloric consumption today, compared to ten years ago? (here, 100% means there was no change)
4) How many liters of milk are consumed on a yearly basis by the average Dutch adult?
5) How many kilos of meat does the average adult consume in six months time?
The answers of the experts are summarized in the table below. Along with the experts’ assessments, the PWDM and EWDM assessments were also determined. Recall that the performance-based weights obtained were 0.008 (for Expert 1), 0.418 (for Expert 2) and 0.574 (for Expert 3).
Question | Realization | Expert 1
5% 50% 95% |
Expert 2
5% 50% 95% |
Expert 3
5% 50% 95% |
5% 50% 95% |
5% 50% 95% |
1 | 50 | 44 46 49 | 30 40 55 | 38 47 55 | 31.05 44.95 54.99 | 31.53 45.57 54.62 |
2 | 7 | 9 12 15 | 1 15 20 | 2 8 17 | 1.44 10.25 19.58 | 2.03 11.55 19.38 |
3 | 108 | 102 106 110 | 60 80 95 | 91 99 106 | 62.5 93.85 105.8 | 63.52 98.89 109.5 |
4 | 66 | 55 59 64 | 53 70 80 | 58 68 75 | 54.28 68.38 79.14 | 54.23 63.31 78.61 |
5 | 24 | 28 31 35 | 10 19 30 | 26 35 43 | 11.1 29.15 42.51 | 11.52 29.79 41.82 |

Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Introduction to Structured Expert Judgment by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/decision-making-under-uncertainty-introduction-to-structured-expert-judgment//.