Additional Reading Material 5
Course subject(s)
15. WWTP 2030
This folder contains background information on the lecture slides, both in depth material for the curious student as well as material to be studied for the exam.
WWTP 2030 and Research Factory
In the recent STOWA report WWTP 2030 (WWTP = Wastewater Treatment Plants), idea’s are presented for the WWTP of the future: the Nutrient-, Energy- and Water Factory. The wastewater is seen as source and not just as a waste product we need to get rid of as soon as possible. The report is established with the help of wastewater treatment technology innovators, designers and engineers from the dutch consultancy agencies, universities and waterboards. The background/perspective is set from a scenario analysis of the coming 20 years. From the most possible scenario, different wastewater treatment building blocks were defined that need development and innovation in the coming years to become applicable.

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