Maps of faulted folds

Course subject(s) 12. Maps of faulted folds Chapters

In the previous chapter, map patterns of faulted planar strata have been outlined. As could be seen in chapters seven and eight, even without disruption of folds the map patterns of folded sequences can be quite difficult. This chapter however complicates these maps even further by the introduction of folds. The map patterns of different kind of folds are discussed in paragraphs one to three. Specifically for oblique slip faults, the use of displaced folds hinges in the assesment of faultsĀ is explained in the fourth paragraph. The analysis of folds in terrains of rugged topography is addressed in section 12-5 and the chapter is ended with the introduction of shear zones.

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Structural Geology & Map Interpretation by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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