Satellite Navigation – Readings
Course subject(s)
01. Satellite Navigation – Introduction
02. GPS overview
03. GNSS Receivers
04. GPS measurements
05. GPS error sources
06. GPS error sources and position estimation
07. PVT and RAIM
08. Kalman filtering
10. Relative positioning
11. Long baselines, PPP, SBAS
12. Integrity and integer ambiguity resolution
On this page you can find the readings that should be studied for the lectures. The readings for this course consist of the book Global Positioning System, Signals, Measurement and Performance, which is mainly used, and handouts that are provided at the start of the lectures.
Global Positioning System, Signals, Measurement and Performance
This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to GPS: the system, signals, receivers, measurements, and algorithms for estimation of position, velocity, and time. It is intended both as a textbook for a senior- or graduate-level engineering course and a self-study guide for science majors and practicing engineers.
The book is divided into four parts:
- Part I introduces radionavigation and the basic framework for a global positioning system, including coordinate frames, time references, and satellite orbits.
- Part II takes the student to the fruits of GPS: estimation of position, velocity, and time.
- Part III discusses the ingenious structure of the GPS signals, and the signal processing steps required to extract the necessary measurements from these signals.
- Part IV Addresses GPS receivers from acquisition and tracking to RFI.
References: Misra P. and Enge P. (2006). Global Positioning System, Signals, Measurement and Performance. Ganga-Jamuna Press. ISBN 0-9709544-1-7
(The book can be ordered at a reduced rate at the start of the course)
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: GPS overview
Lecture 3: GNSS Receivers
Lecture 4: GPS measurements
Lecture 5: GPS error sources
Lecture 6: GPS error sources and position estimation
Lecture 7: PVT and RAIM
Lecture 8 and 9: Kalman filtering
Lecture 10 – Relative positioning
Lecture 11 – Long baselines, PPP, SBAS
Lecture 12 – Integrity and integer ambiguity resolution

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